
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

haerenga ki oruapaerua

                HAERENGA    KI   ORUAPAEROA

On Rapere 22 Here-turi-koka the tuakana from Ata hapara went via van to Travis wetlands.

We were met by Pete a C.C.C
environmental educator.    

I learnt  about the birds and there habitat and what the wetlands mean to the animals that live there. We learnt about the amazing bugs that live there and how to catch them with a long sieve.I caught 1 water Boatman and 2 back swimmers.

I saw 5 pukeko 3 Seagulls 6 Ducks  and 2 Black swans.

The wetlands used to cover the whole of Christchurch back in the 1800's and it only covers a third of Christchurch now .

Travis wetlands is like a bed and breakfast - birds can come  eat and sleep.
It is also like a nest - birds can come and lay their eggs.
Its like a airport - birds can come and go .
And its a sponge - it soaks up all the water.
It is a sieve - it catches all the bugs that live in the water.

I really liked the visit to Travis wetlands  it was very cool.