
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Digital Portrait

 Digital Portrait

last week we made a digital portrait it took a lot of work and effort but I completed it. I liked working on this project because it was fun and I like using sumopaint, its easy and fun to use.When we finished using sumopaint we had to go to bg backround remover to remove the backround. After that we uploded our portrait onto a slide then we had to think of things we like and insert pictures of then around our digital portrait. here are the steps i followed to create my digital portrait.

1.take a photo of yourself using yourchromebook. sumopaint. 3. click on file,then open from HD then insert your photo. layer then add new layer. on pencil icon.

6.outline your face neck shoulders and all facial features. Make sure your shapes are connected.

7.adding color. if you want to keep the colors that are in your photo then select the dabber in the bottom left corner. click on the color you want to use from your picture. the paint can, 

click on the area you want to paint.

 repeat the steps above to change others colors.

9.removing your photo backround. click on the eye next to layer one in the bottom right corner this will remove the photo. on file then export selet png then save.this will downlaod your portrait. 

11.go to backround remeover upload your digital portrait to backround remover. remove your backround then download

final step:

upload your portrait onto a slide use explore to insert any pictures or hobbies you on your portrait select arrange then bring it to the front this will make sure that no pictures over lap your portrait.

click here to see my digital portrait. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2021



Today in Reo a waha we learnt about karakia. We learnt about who are the most appropriate people to use karakia and that one karakia was used as a spell. We had to complete a KWL chart here is a picture of mine.

After that we had to create something to teach others our karakia we choose to translate and we had to explain some things about karakia. 

Here is some information about karakia.

click here